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captain stupy
upgrade.php issues
okay. Is it just a relic of aging documentation that debian/ubuntu repo source is the "recommended" install method? I tried it a couple of years ago and think I had an issue during an update/upgrade but figured it's a couple years lat…
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captain stupy
July 2015
upgrade.php issues
okay. Is it just a relic of aging documentation that debian/ubuntu repo source is the "recommended" install method? I tried it a couple of years ago and think I had an issue during an update/upgrade but figured it's a couple years lat…
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captain stupy
July 2015
upgrade.php issues
Thanks. I guess I didn't know before. And... This will work for an upgrade from 4.2.1 right to the current version without an intermediary step? I can take this opportunity to switch to the apt repo installation without hitting an incompatib…
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captain stupy
July 2015
List Articles - with date limit
Thanks.I didn't remember that snippet from the 'most read' entry in the cookbook, thanks. and I have found that last point very true, sadly.
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captain stupy
April 2014
unable to create article translations or image meta-data after upgrade to 4.2.1
Well, This doesn't seem to have anything to do with my permissions. And I am quite discouraged that it has gotten zero input in the several days it's been up. I guess no one else seems to actually avail themselves of the very central multi…
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captain stupy
March 2014
Can not edit articles with status 'Published'
Did anything ever come of this?I am seeing two issues after recently upgrading to 4.2.1 from 4.1.1 that are producing similar error messages. http://forum.sourcefabric.org/discussion/16464/unable-to-create-article-translations-or-image-meta-data-aft…
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captain stupy
March 2014
[SOLVED] Translated Issue and Section titles getting renamed to untranslated variant
I am a bit surprised that no one responded to this to mention this was fixed in the latest release. I found reference to it in the release notes and an upgrade to 4.2.1 took care of it.
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captain stupy
March 2014
Static pages - am I missing something
an answer to my question about the rewrite rules was supplied in another thread I more recently posted... http://forum.sourcefabric.org/discussion/16444/newscoop-and-apache-mod_rewrite-directives
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captain stupy
March 2014
newscoop and Apache mod_rewrite directives
thanks for the response/info.
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captain stupy
March 2014
newscoop and Apache mod_rewrite directives
I'm trying to clean up the url display for a series of static pages so they display as mysite.com// rather than mysite.com///// Here is an excerpt from my /etc/apache2/httpd.conf file, where I place rewrites and redirects. RewriteEngine on ...…
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captain stupy
March 2014
Static pages - am I missing something
I decided to create a section for static pages in the 1st issue and use constraints to control what gets listed where. I also want to clean up the URLs a bit, from example.com///// to example.com/ using mod_rewrite rules. However, the rewrite rules …
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captain stupy
February 2014
Static pages - am I missing something
I'm back at this. Thanks for your help. I've followed your pointers and now I'm just stuck on aesthetics. I managed to get it working as suggested, with "Static" as a section on my first issue and individual pages as article…
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captain stupy
January 2014
Static pages - am I missing something
thanks for the reply? are you saying that the section numbering can ax out the built-in content logic? at section id 100 or something like that? or are you saying I need to alter it to max out?
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captain stupy
December 2013
language selection revisited
also again, I had that same language option code, minus the if statement for determining 'current'/'selected' and I definitely get sent to / Home / error page and see "Sorry, the requested page was not found."
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captain stupy
December 2013
language selection revisited
also, that's a bit better for the "selected" ("current") check. It was not behaving when I had the full $gimme->default_language->code in the tag, so putting it into was just a workaround.
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captain stupy
December 2013
language selection revisited
Thanks, I'll give that a shot. Is there a comprehensive list of all the $gimme command options? Looking through the manual for language references had me bouncing around between sections and i couldn't help but think I was probably missin…
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captain stupy
December 2013
shared hosting install overwriting .htaccess
sure, and I want to use it, and it's set up to use it. It's just that the install script does not preserve the .htaccess file and it has a critical instruction set in it. I just want to make sure there aren't any unforseen consequence…
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captain stupy
October 2013
Newscoop upgrade 4.1.1 to 4.1.2 - uhoh!
Is there a quick way to initiate the install setup sequence again? Looking at the config files, everything looks right but I have a sneaking suspicion I'm looking in the wrong place and I may have had a typo in the post-upgrade setup, or someth…
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captain stupy
June 2013
multiple languages
wow, that's pretty obvious. mega-brain-fart - shoot me now. okay, so there's a code typo in the manual at the link above, in the 4.1 cookbook pdf and presumably in the flossmanual site's manual as well. thanks for the quick, super-em…
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captain stupy
May 2013
cannot view new publication or previews for new publication
I published. I left the templates as default however, and having made more publications and deleted them a couple times, it seems to like being explicitly told which templates to use for the 3 page options. I have it working now, accompanied by mor…
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captain stupy
April 2013
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